React-native-ios: refers everything related to react-native ios development.
Mailto appears to not be working. All that happens is that the icon appears to be pressed, but no action …
react-native mailto react-native-iosI'm on ReactNative and i'm using native-base and react-navigation npm. I got this and my question is how I can …
javascript react-native navigation-drawer react-native-android react-native-iosTry to install Facebook SDK to react natiove IOS. I have FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKCoreKit.h file not found error and spent …
react-native facebook-sdk-4.0 react-native-iosAfter upgrading React Native from 0.61.5 to 0.63.2, Flipper causes an error on IOS as typedef redefinition with different types ('uint8_t' (…
react-native react-native-ios flipperI want to open ios setting app from my app. the settings destination is [ settings => notification => myapp ]. to …
react-native react-native-iosI've tried react-native-file-picker, react-native-file-chooser, react-native-document-chooser etc, but none of them are working properly. Can anyone suggest me a good functional …
react-native react-native-android react-native-iosWorking with React Native, having some issues with the FlatList component. This is my FlatList <FlatList data={this.state._…
react-native react-native-ios react-native-flatlistAfter upgrade to 0.26.0-rc version, this line: React.findNodeHandle(this.refs.myRef) Throws this error message: Unhandled JS Exception: _react2.…
javascript react-native ecmascript-6 react-native-android react-native-iosFor Android I know I can use StatusBar.currentHeight but I'm not sure how to do so for iOS. The …
ios react-native react-native-iosI am trying to make my content start 100 px from the top in React Native. I have tried with const …
javascript ios react-native react-native-android react-native-ios