Top "React-native-ios" questions

React-native-ios: refers everything related to react-native ios development.

React-Native: Facebook and Google Login

I am currently trying to implement facebook and google login for a react-native app for ios and android. I must …

react-native facebook-login react-native-android google-login react-native-ios
Crop image with react-native

Hello World, I trying to crop an image like explain on the React-native Doc <Image source={{uri: this.props.…

react-native crop react-native-android react-native-ios react-native-image
How can I call method from onPress on Alert function [React-Native]

How can I call method from onPress on Alert function [React-Native] <Button onPress={{() => Alert.alert( 'Alert Title', 'alertMessage', [ {…

javascript reactjs react-native react-native-android react-native-ios
How to Encrypt and decrypt a Text in react native?

I need store the secure information in AsyncStorage , So please any one explain how Encrypt and decrypt a Text in …

react-native react-native-android react-native-ios
How to check the network status in react-native app

i am struggling about this point, that if in my mobile i am in poor network connection, Some how i …

react-native react-native-android react-native-ios
How to open in-app browser window in React native

I'm trying to open the browser window without leaving the app when I click a URL (for both iOS and …

react-native react-redux react-native-android react-native-ios
Render multiple marker in react-native-maps

Hye, Im new in react native and want to ask how do I render multiple markers in maps. This is …

javascript react-native google-maps-markers react-native-android react-native-ios
How to downgrade react-native from 0.56.0 to 0.55.4 version?

Actually I am using react-native-camera in my app but it is not working in this version (react-native: 0.56.0) & its working …

react-native react-native-android react-native-ios react-native-camera
React Native: Correct scrolling in horizontal FlatList with Item Separator

ReactNative: v0.52.0 Platform: iOS My FlatList code: <FlatList horizontal pagingEnabled={true} showsHorizontalScrollIndicator={false} legacyImplementation={false} data={} …

react-native horizontal-scrolling react-native-ios react-native-flatlist
How to eject expo project to native code

I eject project from expo with command npm run eject. It generates 2 folders ios and android. I tried to run …

xcode react-native react-native-ios