Top "React-animated" questions

For questions specifically related to the React Native Animated framework that is used to animate React Native components in a performant manner.

React Native Animated to scale an image

I have 2 issues with the Animated API. 1st: I am able to show the Image from left to right with …

reactjs react-native react-animated react-animations
Trying to Animate React Native Text Value

so basically im trying to get this render function to actually update the value in real time (as of now …

reactjs react-native react-animated
React Native: Animation not working properly on android

I have been trying to fix issue for the past 2 days, it works fine on iOS constructor(){ super(); this.animation = …

react-native react-animated
react native circle transform translate animation

hi i want that the animated.view move like a circle. I thought to this with sinus but it does …

javascript reactjs react-native react-animated
Using Animated.Flatlist and Animated.ScrollView to animate an Animated.View is not smooth

I am would like to make an animated header. I Created an animated component of FlatList, Used the onScroll function …

react-native expo react-native-flatlist react-animated
Make animated collapsible card component, with initial props to show or hide

Background Using React Native I was able to make collapsible card component. On Icon click the card slides up hiding …

reactjs react-native react-animated
React Native - Hide and Show Component on Button Click with Animation

Friend I have issue to hide and show at runtime when user click on the button the the component (View) …

reactjs react-native react-native-android react-native-ios react-animated
Undefined is not an object animated.interpolate react native

I am looking at how to animate colors in react native and followed this tutorial …

javascript react-native react-animated
How to animate header to show based on scrolling in react native?

So Ideally, When i scroll down, I want the header to disappear(slide down) and when I scroll up I …

react-native react-animated
Error when use useNativeDriver in React Native Animated

When I use useNativeDriver in React Native Animated state = { chevronUp: new Animated.Value(-50), }; Animated.spring(this.state.chevronUp, { toValue: 50, …

animation react-native react-animated