Top "React-android" questions

Fetch returns promise instead of actual data even after using 'then'

I am making a simple fetch call in my component, which looks like this var x = fetch(SOME_URL, SOME_…

javascript react-native fetch react-android
Metro Bundler has encountered an internal error, please check your terminal error output for more details

after checkout when i say react-native run-android im getting below error. Metro Bundler has encountered an internal error, please check …

javascript reactjs react-native react-redux react-android
how to get device Id in react native android?

I am trying to get device id from android device. There are several links and packages available to get device …

android reactjs react-native android-developer-api react-android
Calling a Android Native UI component method from React native Js code

I have created a CustomView which extends LinearLayout for capturing signature in Android Native. And created …

android reactjs react-native react-android
Deep linking using react native expo?

How to get deep linking url using react native expo? I tried as per Expo documentation…

react-native react-android
Icons from React-native-elements/fontAwesome are not showing

I'm setting up icons for drawer items and for headerLeft.But icons are not apprearing in my android app.I …

react-native icons react-android react-native-vector-icons react-native-elements
React-Native: How to make image array

I have a screen on which I want to have 4 images. How can I make it so that when I …

react-native reactive-programming react-native-ios react-android react-native-image