I need a little help selecting the right triples from my store....
<a> a <type/1> .
<b> a <type/1> .
<c> a <type/1> .
<c> a <type/2> .
i want to select only elements which are type/1 and not type/2
What is the best way to achieve this using a sparql select query?
am looking for omething like:
select ?a where
?a a <type/1> .
!{ ?a a <type/2> }
An alternative SPARQL 1.1 solution is to use MINUS
?a a <type/1> .
MINUS { ?a a <type/2> . }
subtracts solutions that match its triple pattern from the existing matches.
In most cases using FILTER NOT EXISTS { }
and MINUS { }
are equivalent but beware there are some corner cases where this is not true - see the SPARQL 1.1 specification for some examples of this.