Top "Raycasting" questions

A rendering technique to create a 3D perspective in a 2D map

Voxels... Honestly, I need to know where to begin

Okay, i understand that voxels are just basically a volumetric version of a pixel. After that, I have no idea …

c++ opengl gpu raycasting voxels
volume rendering (using glsl) with ray casting algorithm

I am learning volume rendering using ray casting algorithm. I have found a good demo and tuturial in here. but …

opengl glsl demo raycasting volume-rendering
Three.js raycaster intersection

I wrote the code below to get intersection point with a 3d shape. It works well but if there are …

javascript three.js raycasting
Change color of mesh using mouseover in three js

I've put together a WebGL script that displays several meshes using jsonloader and three.js and I now want to …

javascript three.js raycasting
Detecting an object with Raycast2D

I'm working on simple strategy game mechanics. I have a Barracks prefab. When I add the Barracks on the scene …

unity3d raycasting
threejs disable orbit camera while using transform control

I have a scene with multiple meshes, each one of them associated to a different transformControl; in order to select …

javascript three.js transformation raycasting
Remove Box collider of object in unity 3d

Here is my code in Update function. The object has a box collider. if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { Ray ray = camera.ScreenPointToRay(…

c# object scripting unity3d raycasting
SFML Drawing Pixel Array

I found this ( tutorial on the Internet and was interested and wanted to make …

c++ sfml raycasting
Difference between Doom and Quake 3D rendering

I have been studying (old) 3D rendering techniques for the past weeks and think that I now have a fair …

3d raycasting quake
Using Layers and Bitmask with Raycast in Unity

Unity's Raycast functions has a parameter you could use to raycast to a particular GameObject. You can also use that …

c# unity3d raycasting bitmask