Top "Rawstring" questions

A string literal which would be processed without any language-specific interpretation, avoiding the need of escaping characters and thus providing more legible strings.

How to create raw string from string variable in python?

You create raw string from a string this way: test_file=open(r'c:\Python27\test.txt','r') How do you …

python string rawstring
What is a raw string?

I came across this code snippet in C++17 draft n4713: #define R "x" const char* s = R"y"; // ill-formed raw …

c++ c++11 rawstring
How to convert a "raw" string into a normal string?

In Python, I have a string like this: '\\x89\\n' How can I decode it into a normal string …

python string python-3.x rawstring
Python path and raw strings

I have some problems with the name of path + file (which is an input for a function). This works: result=…

python rawstring
What are the actual uses of ES6 Raw String Access?

What are the actual uses of String.raw Raw String Access introduced in ECMAScript 6? // String.raw(callSite, ...substitutions) function quux (…

javascript ecmascript-6 rawstring template-strings
escape R"()" in a raw string in C++

string raw_str = R"(R"(foo)")"; If I have R"()" inside a raw string, and that causes the parser to …

c++ c++11 rawstring
In context of Python Raw string

My Python version is: ~$ python --version Python 2.6.6 I tried following in Python (I wants to show all): 1: \ use as escape …

python string rawstring
Python raw string "r" flag equivalent in C#

I am trying to give the file path in C# which contains special/escape characters. I am new to C#. …

c# python selenium filepath rawstring
How to correctly write a raw multiline string in Python?

I know that you can create a multi-line string a few ways: Triple Quotes ''' This is a multi-line string. …

python string multiline rawstring
Raw string and regular expression in Python

I have some confusions regarding raw string in the following code: import re text2 = 'Today is 11/27/2012. PyCon starts 3/13/2013.' text2_…

python regex escaping backslash rawstring