Python raw string "r" flag equivalent in C#

Naveen Kumar R B picture Naveen Kumar R B · Dec 28, 2016 · Viewed 11.3k times · Source

I am trying to give the file path in C# which contains special/escape characters. I am new to C#. please help me in defining the file path as raw string literals.

Following is path (\t has spl meaning):

IE_DRIVER_PATH = "C:\software\selenium\temp\drivers\64"

In python we use it as follows (using r - to treat it as raw stiring):

IE_DRIVER_PATH = r"C:\software\selenium\temp\drivers\64"

similarly, In java, we use double slashes.

please help me in defining the same in C#. As of now, I am getting the error which says that file does not exist, though the file is present in the folder.


Cristian Lupascu picture Cristian Lupascu · Dec 28, 2016

In C#, you can either use double slashes (like in Java), or you can use @ instead of r to create a verbatim string literal:

string IE_DRIVER_PATH = @"C:\software\selenium\temp\drivers\64";