Top "Rawrepresentable" questions

Swift enum inheritance

Can you inherit enum in Swift? What are the rules that one should be aware of with regards to enum …

ios swift inheritance enums rawrepresentable
Enum of structs in Swift 3.0

I am trying to create an enum of a struct that I would like to initialize: struct CustomStruct { var variable1: …

ios swift enums rawrepresentable
Type 'Error' does not conform to protocol 'RawRepresentable'

Changing my playground code to Swift 3, Xcode suggested changing enum Error: ErrorType { case NotFound } to enum Error: Error { case NotFound } …

swift rawrepresentable
Raw type 'Bool' is not expressible by any literal

I want to have my enums easily compatible with @IBInspectable, so for the sake of simplicity, I tried to have …

swift enums rawrepresentable