Top "Raspberry-pi3" questions


How to remove Homebridge on Raspberry Pi

How can I remove Homebridge from a Raspberry Pi 3. I have attempted the following without any luck. pi@Development:~ $ sudo …

SMBUS on the RPI gives IOError: [Errno 121] Remote I/O error

I have tried communication between RPi3 and stm32 over I2C. First of all I have installed i2c-tools and …

raspberry-pi3 i2c smbus
Raspberry Pi VNC fail connection

I face a problem that I can ping to correct IP address, it have no loss. And also I use …

raspberry-pi raspberry-pi3 vnc vnc-server vnc-viewer
Raspberry PI - Send mail from command line using GMAIL smtp server

How can I send email from Raspberry Pi using my gmail account? I would like to send mail from command …

command-line smtp gmail sendmail raspberry-pi3
How to kill python script with bash script

I run a bash script with which start a python script to run in background #!/bin/bash python &…

python linux bash raspberry-pi3
Building Qt5.6 or Qt5.7 on Raspberry Pi3 or/and Pi zero

Is there a working guide on how to get Qt5.6 or even 5.5 built on the Raspberry Pi3? I've found a …

qt raspberry-pi3 qt5.6
How do you update to the latest python 3.5.1 version on a raspberry pi?

I got my Raspberry Pi yesterday and I am already trying to code with it. I have a program that …

python linux raspberry-pi python-3.5 raspberry-pi3
Getting Error EBUSY: resource busy or locked

Trying to run a Nodejs app to test Raspberry 3 B + Gpio Onoff Module but when i am trying to run …

node.js npm raspberry-pi3
Raspberry PI 3: Wireless hotspot (from WiFi to WiFi instead of ethernet to WiFi)

I would like to turn my Raspberry PI 3 into something like WiFi signal amplifier, Wireless repeater/extender or WiFi hotspot …

raspberry-pi wifi repeater raspberry-pi3 hotspot