Short Ruby on Rails screencasts containing tips, tricks and tutorials.
I have been able to have a user sign in with Twitter via OmniAuth (I followed Railscast #235-6 and made …
ruby-on-rails twitter omniauth railscastsI have a model "Issue" and a nested Model "Relationship" In the issue.rb I have mentioned: has_many :relationships, :…
ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 nested-forms railscastsI've followed Ryan Bate's railscast #106 which adds a time_zone string to the User model. …
ruby-on-rails timezone activesupport railscastsI followed the and set up an Excel Download in my Rails application. My controller …
ruby-on-rails mime-types railscastsPossible Duplicate: What does map(&:name) mean in Ruby? I was watching railscasts more virtual attributes episode. In that …
ruby-on-rails ruby ruby-on-rails-3 railscastsI'm following railscasts episode 381 in an attempt to allow multiple image uploads to my app with the carrierwave gem & …
ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 carrierwave nested-forms railscastsThere is a NoMethodError in SessionsController#create. The twitter authentication page occurs but the callback URL is not working. The …
ruby-on-rails ruby omniauth railscastsI have a simple rails app that uses the simple_form gem for forms and I am trying to set …
ruby-on-rails search simple-form sunspot railscasts