Top "Carrierwave" questions

A modern ruby gem for file uploads in Rails and other frameworks, similar to paperclip and attachment_fu

How to make carrierwave delete the file when destroying a record?

I'm using the carrierwave gem to upload files. I have built a system for users to flag images as inappropriate …

ruby-on-rails ruby carrierwave
Rails 4 multiple image or file upload using carrierwave

How can I upload multiple images from a file selection window using Rails 4 and CarrierWave? I have a post_controller …

ruby-on-rails-4 carrierwave
Displaying a Carrierwave filename in the view

I am trying to display the filename of a Carrierwave attachment in a Rails erb template. The following does not …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 carrierwave
How to assign a remote file to Carrierwave?

I have video model with the following definition: class Video require 'carrierwave/orm/activerecord' mount_uploader :attachment, VideoUploader mount_uploader :…

ruby-on-rails amazon-s3 carrierwave
Uploading a remote file url from Rails Console with Carrierwave

I just wanted to know how one would go about uploading a remote file url using Carrierwave in the Rails …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3.2 carrierwave
Rails: NameError: uninitialized constant Article::ImageUploader when using Carrierwave on rails 4.1.5

I'm learning rails 4.1.5 I got this error: 2.1.1 :008 > Article NameError: uninitialized constant Article::ImageUploader from /Volumes/disk0s4/www/rails/…

ruby-on-rails-4 carrierwave
Carrierwave - Resizing images to fixed width

I'm using RMagick and want my images to be resized to a fixed width of 100px, and scale the height …

ruby-on-rails ruby rmagick carrierwave
Rails 3. getting Errno::EACCES Permission Denied when uploading files on production

The app works fine in development but in production I get Errno::EACCES Permission Denied error when I try to …

ruby-on-rails ruby carrierwave
Renaming uploaded files with Carrierwave

I'm using Carrierwave to upload files, and I have it working. My issue is attempting to change the name of …

ruby-on-rails ruby file-upload carrierwave
Rails 3 paperclip vs carrierwave vs dragonfly vs attachment_fu

I'm working on upgrading a Rails 2.3.11, Ruby 1.9.2 app to Rails 3.0.10, and attachment_fu no longer works. I'm looking at changing …

ruby-on-rails-3 paperclip carrierwave attachment-fu dragonfly-gem