Top "Rails-i18n" questions

Repository for collecting Locale data for Ruby on Rails I18n as well as other interesting, Rails related I18n stuff.

Rails Devise I18n Flash Messages with Twitter Bootstrap

Hello I am new to ruby on rails and I am struggling to understand I18n's flash messages. I am …

ruby-on-rails twitter-bootstrap devise rails-i18n
Translate model nested attribute validation message

I have a nested attribute on which I perform presence validation. I am trying without success to provide translations for …

ruby-on-rails activemodel rails-i18n
Rails 3 force localization language for specific text

Any way to force the translation to a specific language only for some text. Something like: t("my.text",:fr) …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 localization rails-i18n
Day name with I18n

Without translation, this would get me today's day name:"%A") How would I localize it? I.e. "…

ruby-on-rails ruby ruby-on-rails-4 rails-i18n
Error with active Record translations

I'm getting an error when db:reset. I've read several posts about this, but none works for me. The error …

ruby-on-rails rails-i18n
Rails 4 i18n, how to translate routes where subdomain is used for the locale

I am using subdomains to determine the locale in a Rails 4 website. I have this working with a locale switcher …

ruby-on-rails routing ruby-on-rails-4 rails-i18n
Monkey patch module method

I want to alter I18n.translate method in existing project. require 'I18n' module I18n alias_method :old_…

ruby-on-rails-3 monkeypatching rails-i18n
How can I define a Map with arbitrary keys in a Swagger model

How can I define a map with arbitrary keys in a Swagger model Say I have the following internationalised model (…

internationalization swagger rails-i18n