How make 2 column layout in R markdown when rendering pdf?

rdatasculptor picture rdatasculptor · Jan 15, 2016 · Viewed 11.9k times · Source

When rendering html documents with rmarkdown there are ways to make a two columns layout, e.g. here

Is there an easy way to render a pdf document with two column layout? Is there an example code somewhere?


scoa picture scoa · Jan 15, 2016

New pandoc version have made this easier since my original answer. According to pandoc's manual, you can now specify classoptions directly in the YAML front matter:

- twocolumn

The new div notation also allows for inserting two column sections anywhere in the document, working for most formats

:::::::::::::: {.columns}
::: {.column width="40%"}


::: {.column width="60%"}



Original answer

You can use the article option twocolumn to format the whole document in two columns. Add this to your yaml front matter:

    pandoc_args: [
      "-V", "classoption=twocolumn"