How to control new variables' names after tidyr's spread?

janosdivenyi picture janosdivenyi · Aug 3, 2015 · Viewed 11.7k times · Source

I have a dataframe with panel structure: 2 observations for each unit from two years:

mydf <- data.frame(
    id = rep(1:3, rep(2,3)), 
    year = rep(c(2012, 2013), 3), 
    value = runif(6)
#  id year      value
#1  1 2012 0.09668064
#2  1 2013 0.62739399
#3  2 2012 0.45618433
#4  2 2013 0.60347152
#5  3 2012 0.84537624
#6  3 2013 0.33466030

I would like to reshape this data to wide format which can be done easily with tidyr::spread. However, as the values of the year variable are numbers, the names of my new variables become numbers as well which makes its further use harder.

spread(mydf, year, value)
#  id       2012      2013
#1  1 0.09668064 0.6273940
#2  2 0.45618433 0.6034715
#3  3 0.84537624 0.3346603

I know I can easily rename the columns. However, if I would like to reshape within a chain with other operations, it becomes inconvenient. E.g. the following line obviously does not make sense.

mydf %>% spread(year, value) %>% filter(2012 > 0.5)

The following works but is not that concise:

tmp <- spread(mydf, year, value)
names(tmp) <- c("id", "y2012", "y2013")
filter(tmp, y2012 > 0.5)

Any idea how I can change the new variable names within spread?


Anders Ellern Bilgrau picture Anders Ellern Bilgrau · Nov 23, 2018

I know some years has passed since this question was originally asked, but for posterity I want to also highlight the sep argument of spread. When not NULL, it will be used as separator between the key name and values:

mydf %>% 
 spread(key = year, value = value, sep = "")
#  id   year2012  year2013
#1  1 0.15608322 0.6886531
#2  2 0.04598124 0.0792947
#3  3 0.16835445 0.1744542

This is not exactly as wanted in the question, but sufficient for my purposes. See ?spread.

Update with tidyr 1.0.0: tidyr 1.0.0 have now introduced pivot_wider (and pivot_longer) which allows for more control in this respect with the arguments names_sep and names_prefix. So now the call would be:

mydf %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = year, values_from = value,
              names_prefix = "year")
# # A tibble: 3 x 3
#        id year2012 year2013
#     <int>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#   1     1    0.347    0.388
#   2     2    0.565    0.924
#   3     3    0.406    0.296

To get exactly what was originally wanted (prefixing "y" only) you can of course now get that directly by simply having names_prefix = "y".

The names_sep is used in case you gather over multiple columns as demonstrated below where I have added quarters to the data:

# Add quarters to data
mydf2 <- data.frame(
  id = rep(1:3, each = 8), 
  year = rep(rep(c(2012, 2013), each = 4), 3), 
  quarter  = rep(c("Q1","Q2","Q3","Q4"), 3),
  value = runif(24)
# id year quarter     value
# 1  1 2012      Q1 0.8651470
# 2  1 2012      Q2 0.3944423
# 3  1 2012      Q3 0.4580580
# 4  1 2012      Q4 0.2902604
# 5  1 2013      Q1 0.4751588
# 6  1 2013      Q2 0.6851755

mydf2 %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = c(year, quarter), values_from = value,
              names_sep = "_", names_prefix = "y")
# # A tibble: 3 x 9
#      id  y2012_Q1  y2012_Q2  y2012_Q3  y2012_Q4  y2013_Q1  y2013_Q2  y2013_Q3  y2013_Q4 
#   <int>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
# 1     1     0.865     0.394     0.458    0.290      0.475     0.685     0.213     0.920
# 2     2     0.566     0.614     0.509    0.0515     0.974     0.916     0.681     0.509
# 3     3     0.968     0.615     0.670    0.748      0.723     0.996     0.247     0.449