Gather multiple sets of columns

Andrew picture Andrew · Sep 19, 2014 · Viewed 98.5k times · Source

I have data from an online survey where respondents go through a loop of questions 1-3 times. The survey software (Qualtrics) records this data in multiple columns—that is, Q3.2 in the survey will have columns Q3.2.1., Q3.2.2., and Q3.2.3.:

df <- data.frame(
  id = 1:10,
  time = as.Date('2009-01-01') + 0:9,
  Q3.2.1. = rnorm(10, 0, 1),
  Q3.2.2. = rnorm(10, 0, 1),
  Q3.2.3. = rnorm(10, 0, 1),
  Q3.3.1. = rnorm(10, 0, 1),
  Q3.3.2. = rnorm(10, 0, 1),
  Q3.3.3. = rnorm(10, 0, 1)

# Sample data

   id       time    Q3.2.1.     Q3.2.2.    Q3.2.3.     Q3.3.1.    Q3.3.2.     Q3.3.3.
1   1 2009-01-01 -0.2059165 -0.29177677 -0.7107192  1.52718069 -0.4484351 -1.21550600
2   2 2009-01-02 -0.1981136 -1.19813815  1.1750200 -0.40380049 -1.8376094  1.03588482
3   3 2009-01-03  0.3514795 -0.27425539  1.1171712 -1.02641801 -2.0646661 -0.35353058

I want to combine all the QN.N* columns into tidy individual QN.N columns, ultimately ending up with something like this:

   id       time loop_number        Q3.2        Q3.3
1   1 2009-01-01           1 -0.20591649  1.52718069
2   2 2009-01-02           1 -0.19811357 -0.40380049
3   3 2009-01-03           1  0.35147949 -1.02641801
11  1 2009-01-01           2 -0.29177677  -0.4484351
12  2 2009-01-02           2 -1.19813815  -1.8376094
13  3 2009-01-03           2 -0.27425539  -2.0646661
21  1 2009-01-01           3 -0.71071921 -1.21550600
22  2 2009-01-02           3  1.17501999  1.03588482
23  3 2009-01-03           3  1.11717121 -0.35353058

The tidyr library has the gather() function, which works great for combining one set of columns:


df %>% gather(loop_number, Q3.2, starts_with("Q3.2")) %>% 
  mutate(loop_number = str_sub(loop_number,-2,-2)) %>%
  select(id, time, loop_number, Q3.2)

   id       time loop_number        Q3.2
1   1 2009-01-01           1 -0.20591649
2   2 2009-01-02           1 -0.19811357
3   3 2009-01-03           1  0.35147949
29  9 2009-01-09           3 -0.58581232
30 10 2009-01-10           3 -2.33393981

The resultant data frame has 30 rows, as expected (10 individuals, 3 loops each). However, gathering a second set of columns does not work correctly—it successfully makes the two combined columns Q3.2 and Q3.3, but ends up with 90 rows instead of 30 (all combinations of 10 individuals, 3 loops of Q3.2, and 3 loops of Q3.3; the combinations will increase substantially for each group of columns in the actual data):

df %>% gather(loop_number, Q3.2, starts_with("Q3.2")) %>% 
  gather(loop_number, Q3.3, starts_with("Q3.3")) %>%
  mutate(loop_number = str_sub(loop_number,-2,-2))

   id       time loop_number        Q3.2        Q3.3
1   1 2009-01-01           1 -0.20591649  1.52718069
2   2 2009-01-02           1 -0.19811357 -0.40380049
3   3 2009-01-03           1  0.35147949 -1.02641801
89  9 2009-01-09           3 -0.58581232 -0.13187024
90 10 2009-01-10           3 -2.33393981 -0.48502131

Is there a way to use multiple calls to gather() like this, combining small subsets of columns like this while maintaining the correct number of rows?


hadley picture hadley · Sep 19, 2014

This approach seems pretty natural to me:

df %>%
  gather(key, value, -id, -time) %>%
  extract(key, c("question", "loop_number"), "(Q.\\..)\\.(.)") %>%
  spread(question, value)

First gather all question columns, use extract() to separate into question and loop_number, then spread() question back into the columns.

#>    id       time loop_number         Q3.2        Q3.3
#> 1   1 2009-01-01           1  0.142259203 -0.35842736
#> 2   1 2009-01-01           2  0.061034802  0.79354061
#> 3   1 2009-01-01           3 -0.525686204 -0.67456611
#> 4   2 2009-01-02           1 -1.044461185 -1.19662936
#> 5   2 2009-01-02           2  0.393808163  0.42384717