How to make monotonic (increasing) smooth spline with smooth.spline() function?

Michael Clinton picture Michael Clinton · Aug 22, 2014 · Viewed 7k times · Source

I have data that are strictly increasing and would like to fit a smoothing spline that is monotonically increasing as well with the smooth.spline() function if possible, due to the ease of use of this function.

For example, my data can be effectively reproduced with the example:

testx <- 1:100
testy <- abs(rnorm(length(testx)))^3
testy <- cumsum(testy)
sspl <- smooth.spline(testx,testy)

which is not necessarily increasing everywhere. Any suggestions?


Nicholas G Reich picture Nicholas G Reich · Jan 3, 2017

This doesn't use smooth.spline() but the splinefun(..., method="hyman") will fit a monotonically increasing spline and is also easy to use. So for example:

testx <- 1:100
testy <- abs(rnorm(length(testx)))^3
testy <- cumsum(testy)
sspl <- smooth.spline(testx,testy)
tmp <- splinefun(x=testx, y=cumsum(testy), method="hyman")
lines(testx[-1], diff(tmp(testx)), col="red")

Yields the following figure (red are the values from the monotonically increasing spline) enter image description here

From the help file of splinefun: "Method "hyman" computes a monotone cubic spline using Hyman filtering of an method = "fmm" fit for strictly monotonic inputs. (Added in R 2.15.2.)"