Running R script from command line does not execute the code

user3181905 picture user3181905 · Jul 3, 2014 · Viewed 9.6k times · Source

I have tried both Rscript and R CMD BATCH.

For example, if I run this simple R script:

test <- function(){

by using

> R CMD BATCH test.R

I get the following test.Rout file:

R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16) -- "Good Sport"
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[Previously saved workspace restored]

> test <- function(){
+   print("test")
+ }
> proc.time()
  user  system elapsed 
  0.176   0.016   0.186 

I did not see the expected output:

>[1] "test"

anywhere - either on the command line or in the test.Rout file.

With Rscript I do not see any output on the command line either.

I have a long R script that writes a report file under a specific directory if I run it inside RStudio. However, when I run this script using R CMD BATCH I do not see the file generated in the directory. In the corresponding .Rout file I see similar run statements of the individual lines of the code - not the execution result.

I am using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

What am I doing wrong?



xv70 picture xv70 · Jul 3, 2014

You need to call your function inside your script, at this point you are only defining it but never call it! Happens to me too. So add:

test <- function(){