I am trying to do classification with randomForest, but I am repeatedly getting an error message for which there seems to be no apparent solution (randomForest has worked well for me doing regression in the past). I have pasted my code below. 'success' is a factor, all of the dependent variables are numbers. Any suggestions as to how to run this classification properly?
> rf_model<-randomForest(success~.,data=data.train,xtest=data.test[,2:9],ytest=data.test[,1],importance=TRUE,proximity=TRUE)
Error in randomForest.default(m, y, ...) :
NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 1)
also, here is a sample of the dataset:
success duration goal reward_count updates_count comments_count backers_count min_reward_level max_reward_level
True 20.00000 1500 10 14 2 68 1 1000
True 30.00000 3000 10 4 3 48 5 1000
True 24.40323 14000 23 6 10 540 5 1250
True 31.95833 30000 9 17 7 173 1 10000
True 28.13211 4000 10 23 97 2936 10 550
True 30.00000 6000 16 16 130 2043 25 500
Apart from the obvious facts around presence of NAs etc. this error is almost always caused by the presence of Character feature types in the data set. The way to understand this is by considering what random forest really does. You are partitioning the data set feature by feature. So if one of the feature is a Character vector, how would you partition the data set? You need categories to partition a data. How many 'male' vs. 'female' - categories...
For numeric features like Age, or price, you can create categories by bucketing; greater than certain age, lesser than certain price etc. You cannot do that with pure character features. Therefore you need them as factors in your data set.