Top "Queue" questions

A queue is an ordered, first-in-first-out data structure.

Best practice for multi-threaded message processing on JMS queues

I'm currently adding JMS support to a application-server-like framework. The JMS will be implemented by HornetQ (stand-alone broker, hornetq jars …

java queue jms message-listener
add a Queue JNDI ref in ejb-jar.xml? sending JMS Msg in a EJB/MDB

I have an EAR application which contains an MDB and a WAR. In this EAR application I would send a …

deployment queue jms jndi geronimo
Well tested C/C++ lock free queue?

Possible Duplicate: Is there a production ready lock-free queue or hash implementation in C++ I am looking for a well-tested, …

c++ c queue lock-free
JOB_TOO_BIG Pheanstalk - what can be done?

On Laravel 4.2 & Laravel Forge I Made a mistake and accidentally pushed some code on to the production sever, but …

php laravel queue laravel-forge pheanstalk
Is there any way to list queues in a rabbitmq via pika?

I know that we can do this to list queue in a rabbitmq. rabbitmqctl list_queues but how can I …

python queue rabbitmq pika
Can I somehow share an asynchronous queue with a subprocess?

I would like to use a queue for passing data from a parent to a child process which is launched …

python queue multiprocessing shared-memory python-asyncio
Queues against Tables in messaging systems

I've been experiencing the good and the bad sides of messaging systems in real production environments, and I must admit …

database queue message-queue
How to slow down or set given speed on the Kafka stream consumer?

I am trying to control number of messages which are consumed by the KStream and I am not very succesful. …

performance queue apache-kafka apache-kafka-streams
How do I delete a DeadLetter message on an Azure Service Bus Topic

I'm writing a piece of code which will allow us to: View a list of all dead letter messages that …

c# azure queue azureservicebus dead-letter
SGE: Jobs stuck in qw state

I'm trying to submit jobs to SGE. It has been working for me the same way in the past. Now …

queue cluster-computing sungridengine