Top "Quantitative-finance" questions

Quantitative finance is the discipline of using mathematical models in order to help make investment decisions.

ValueError: If using all scalar values, you must pass an index

Take the following code: import MySQLdb as mdb import pandas as pd con = mdb.connect(db_host, db_user, db_…

python pandas quantitative-finance
Finance data on alphavantage

I was trying to get JSON for a company by calling API of alphavantage .For some company data is coming …

json finance quantitative-finance google-finance-api alpha-vantage
FIX message delimiter

I am relatively new to FIX-Protocol. The delimiter for a FIX-Protocol message sometimes show ^ and other times |. Wikipedia for FIX-Protocol …

fix-protocol financial quantitative-finance
How to calculate the trendline for stock price

I am trying to calculate and draw the trendlines for stock prices. I did some searches and thought for a …

python quantitative-finance
ValueError: ordinal must be >= 1

This Code, Takes 2 co-ordinates for a straight line from google finance and places 3rd point on the same line at …

python pandas matplotlib dataframe quantitative-finance
Is there a source to find a list of symbols?

I'm using the data of alpha vantage for a stock market analysis site. But I cannot find a complete list …

finance yahoo-finance quantitative-finance google-finance
Why do hedge funds and financial services often use OCaml?

Speaking to a number of quants / hedgies, I came to the conclusion that a large number of them seem to …

programming-languages ocaml quantitative-finance
Is it possible to get monthly historical stock prices in python?

I know using pandas this is how you normally get daily stock price quotes. But I'm wondering if its possible …

python pandas quantitative-finance
Error: C stack usage 7970184 is too close to the limit

I would like to compute the RSI function, which is given as follows: RSI = 100 * RS / ( 1 + RS ), where RS = n_up / …

r recursion quantitative-finance