Top "Qthread" questions

QThread is a threading class provided by the cross-platform Qt framework.

Using a QThread in PyQT for serial communication (w. pyserial)

I am pretty much a beginner when it comes to GUI programming. I am using QT in combination with python …

python qt pyqt qthread pyserial
Qt: qthread destroyed while thread is still running during closing

I have a class: class centralDataPool : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: centralDataPool(QObject * parent = 0); ~centralDataPool(); commMonitor commOverWatch; private: QThread monitorThread; …

c++ multithreading qt qthread
PyQt: Connecting a signal to a slot to start a background operation

I have the following code that performs a background operation (scan_value) while updating a progress bar in the ui (…

python multithreading pyqt signals-slots qthread
QThread blocking main application

I have a simple form UI that has a slot for a button, starting a thread: void MainWindow::LoadImage() { aThread-&…

c++ qt multithreading qthread
How to implement frequent start/stop of a thread (QThread)

I need to start and stop a thread very frequently using push button..I am using Qt. Recently I learned …

multithreading qt qthread
How to use QTimer inside QThread which uses QWaitCondition? (pyside)

I'm using pyside but (I think) is a generic Qt question. I know that QThread implementation calls ._exec() method so …

python qt pyside qthread qtimer
Pause and Resume a QThread

I've recently began learning about QThreads and I've a program which runs a 4 hours long loop in a separate thread (…

visual-studio-2010 qt4 qthread
Can two threads read from the same QList at the same time?

Pretty new to threading and I have this QList that the threads share between them. They all have their own …

c++ qt qthread qlist
QThread emits finished() signal but isRunning() returns true and isFinished() returns false

Below is the code for my qthread implementation. I am trying to get gps data from satellite. QThread doesn't produce …

c++ qt gps blackberry-10 qthread
How to Compress Slot Calls When Using Queued Connection in Qt?

After reading some articles like this about Qt Signal-Slot communications I still have a question concerning the queued connection. If …

c++ qt qthread qtcore qt-signals