Top "Qt5.4" questions

Version 5.4 of the Qt C++ GUI library.

QWebView or QWebEngineView

Are there any functional differences between QWebView and QWebEngineView? If I understand correctly, QWebView is webkit, while QWebEngineView is blink. …

qt qt5 qtwebkit qt5.4 qtwebengine
No default repositories in Qt Maintenance Tool

I recently installed Qt 5.5 and its MaintenanceTool (MaintenanceTool.exe). The default repositories were working, but after one day, my MaintenanceTool …

qt qt5 qt5.4
Qt 5.4/Qml: Prevent binding loop

I have a global singleton "Settings" which holds application settings. When I try to run the following code I get …

c++ qt qml qt5 qt5.4
Visual Studio 2013 and Qt5: QTDIR set too late

Everything works with Qt in MSVC2013, except one thing: the DLLs are not found, because $(QTDIR) is not defined, when …

visual-studio-2013 path qt5.4 project-properties
How to use QDataStream::readBytes()

According to the documentation for readBytes() (in Qt 5.4's QDataStream), I would expect the following code to copy the input_…

c++ qt qt5.4
QtQuick: QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component qrc:/main.qml:23 Invalid attached object assignment

Given my thoughts below am I barking up the wrong tree? Or provided the information below am I misusing Qt …

c++ qt qml qt-quick qt5.4
Integrate C++ and QML. Qt 5.4

I was reading the Qt documentation for the past couple of hours trying to figure out a way to make …

c++ qml qt5.4