Top "Qt4" questions

Questions specifically relating to the deprecated version 4.x.x of the Qt C++ GUI library.

QT4 How to blur QPixmap image?

QT4 How to blur QPixmap image? I am looking for something like one of the following: Blur(pixmap); painter.Blur(); …

qt graphics qt4 effects
QTabWidget: close tab button not working

I have set ui->tabWidget->setTabsClosable(true); but QTabwidget only showing a cross on each tab that is …

qt qt4 qt4.8 qtabwidget
QWebView / Qt WebKit won't open some SSL pages; redirects not allowed?

Clean install of Qt SDK 1.1.4 on Windows 7 with Visual C++ 2008 SP1; I'm using Qt Creator. Why does this code not …

c++ qt ssl qt4 qtwebkit
Using a QStyledItemDelegate on a QListView with QSqlQueryModel

I have a QListView, that has a QSqlQueryModel set as its model. How can I use a QStyledItemDelegate in order …

qt qt4 symbian
How to get selected listitem index in Qt

I am having a QListView which contains some items. Now I want to get the index of selected item, i.…

qt listview qt4 symbian nokia
How close and delete a modeless qt dialog

i have create a modeless qdialog inside a method of a class: //Test.cpp QDialogMaintenance *diag = new QDialogMaintenance(this); diag-&…

qt dialog qt4 modeless
How can I disable Alt + F4 window closing using Qt?

I've disabled X button in Qt from my dialog using this line: myDialog->setWindowFlags(Qt::Dialog | Qt::Desktop) but …

qt qt4 keypress qdialog qkeyevent
How to convert QString to LPCSTR (Unicode)

how can I convert QString to LPCSTR ? How do I do it when #ifdef UNICODE is defined and when it …

c++ windows qt qt4 lpcstr
How to set cell border and background color in QTableWidgetItem?

I have a QTableWidget with 3 columns. 2 of the columns have some text in them, but one of them is empty …

qt qt4 qtablewidget qtablewidgetitem
Why am I missing the Qt Multimedia functionality?

I am new to Qt and I'm creating a simple application which will playback an audio file. I realized that …

c++ audio qt4 multimedia