Top "Qstring" questions

A QString is a class in Qt library which implements character strings.

How can I convert QByteArray to string in Qt 5.3?

I am using some functions to convert QVector's to QByteArray's, for example: QByteArray Serialize::serialize(QVector<double> data) { …

c++ qt qstring qbytearray
What's the difference between QString[] and QStringList

What's the difference between an object of QStringList and an Array of QStrings? I mean it seems that both behave …

c++ arrays qt qstring qtcore
Best way to convert std::wstring to QString

I'm currently working on a larger project, where the "logic" is implemented in standard C++ with all strings being handled …

c++ qt qstring wstring
Converting QString to std::string

I've seen several other posts about converting QString to std::string, and it should be simple. But somehow I'm getting …

c++ qt stdstring qstring
Qt - splitting a QString, using several types of whitespace as separators

I'm looking to split a QString. There are several words in the QString, separated by one or more(!) of the …

c++ regex qt split qstring
How to count a particular character in QString Qt

Imagine I have a QString containing this: "#### some random text ### other info a line break ## something else" How would I …

c++ qt qt5 qstring
Change the Color and Font of QString or QLineEdit

How can I change the color and font of QLineEdit? Here is my code: self.lineEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit(widget) self.…

python pyqt4 qstring qlineedit
Qt: format an integer in a QString

I would like to format an integer in a QString. I would like to always have 6 numbers. For example "1" should …

c++ qt integer format qstring
Qt how to insert string inside a cell in QTableWidget

Possible duplicate: Filling some QTableWidgetItems with QString from file How to insert rows at run time in a QTableWidget? How …

qt insert qstring qtablewidget qtablewidgetitem
Operator << for QString

It makes sense to implement << for QString like: std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream &stream,…

c++ qt qstring