Top "Qnetworkrequest" questions

The QNetworkRequest class, part of the Qt framework, holds a request to be sent with QNetworkAccessManager.

QNetworkRequest and default SSL configuration

I'm using the following piece of code to make HTTPS requests with a server. QNetworkRequest request; //request.setSslConfiguration(QSslConfiguration::defaultConfiguration()); …

qt ssl qnetworkaccessmanager qnetworkrequest
Qt - Getting source ( HTML code ) of a web page hosted on the internet

I want to get the source (HTML) of a webpage, for example the homepage of StackOverflow. This is what I've …

html qt qnetworkaccessmanager qnetworkrequest qnetworkreply
QT QNetworkAccessManager to download file from ftp server not working

QNetworkAccessManager *nam = new QNetworkAccessManager(); QUrl url2(""); url2.setPassword("12345"); url2.setUserName("user"); QNetworkRequest req(url2); QNetworkReply *reply = nam-&…

c++ qt ftp qnetworkaccessmanager qnetworkrequest
How to configure OpenSSL on the QT

How can I make my QwebView/QNetWorkRequest work with SSL? QT return this errors (is clear that the error occurs …

c++ windows qt openssl qnetworkrequest