Top "Qa" questions

Quality assurance, or QA for short, is the systematic monitoring and evaluation of the various aspects of a project, service or facility to maximize the probability that minimum standards of quality are being attained by the production process.

Selenium Web driver wait for long time

Can I wait with Selenium Web Driver for a long time period? Even though I can set implicitlywait command like …

selenium selenium-webdriver webdriver qa webdriverwait
How should a QA Environment be setup?

I am currently at a loss. We are moving from Dev-owned testing environment to a QA-owned one. I have worked …

installation development-environment qa setup-deployment
If statement in Postman tests

I work in Postman and I want to build the test construction like that: var login_status = pm.environment.get("…

javascript html json postman qa
C++ Jenkins QA Stack / Tools

We are currently in the process of building a QA stack for you C++ development. We already have multiple Jenkins …

c++ unit-testing continuous-integration jenkins qa
QA engineer and more money or software engineer with less

I may be presented with the opportunity to be a part of an engineering-intensive QA team (unit/scenario test automation) …

qa currency
How should Git Flow work with QA testing both a release and a new feature?

We are using Git Flow on our latest iOS project and I am trying to work out a way of …

git testing branching-and-merging qa git-flow
Measuring time spent on GC in JVM

Suppose I am testing a Java server application. I know how much time it takes to finish the test. Now …

java performance garbage-collection jvm qa
Ignore Assertion failure in a testcase (JUnit)

Currently, I am writing the automation testing using java and selenium rc. I would like to verify all the contents …

java junit qa
Quality Assurance in the design phase?

How does quality assurance fit into the design phase of software development? What (if any) quality assurance activities are done …

are there any tools to visually compare two different web pages?

I'm looking for a tool that will visually compare two rendered web pages and highlight the differences. the idea is …

web qa