Top "Qa" questions

Quality assurance, or QA for short, is the systematic monitoring and evaluation of the various aspects of a project, service or facility to maximize the probability that minimum standards of quality are being attained by the production process.

WebDriver executeAsyncScript vs executeScript

What is the difference between executeAsyncScript and executeScript? How can i use event such as window.onload? I tried something …

javascript testing selenium webdriver qa
Selenium Web Test Automation Framework Best Practices

I would like to know your comments on best practices developing web test automation framework I basically read couple of …

testing selenium testng ui-automation qa
Developer testing vs. QA team testing - What is the right division of work?

While trying to advocate more developer testing, I find the argument "Isn't that QA's job?" is used a lot. In …

unit-testing testing process qa
Git branching strategy integated with testing/QA process

Our development team has been using the GitFlow branching strategy and it has been great ! Recently we recruited a couple …

git testing qa git-flow
Exporting HP QC defect data to Excel

At work a colleague copies and pastes defect data from hp qc to excel and it takes her …

testing qa hp-quality-center
How to simulate mouse click on blank area in website by Selenium IDE?

I want to perform mouse click on blank area outside a form in order to wake up the data traffic …

javascript selenium web automation qa
How to set Proxy Authentication in seleniumWebdriver for Chrome Browser

I'm trying to Automate a web application selenium 2.0 [webdriver+java].The web application is currently deployed in our UAT servers …

java selenium selenium-webdriver webdriver qa
How to show results of individual test pass/fail in Jenkins?

We're using Scala + Maven + ScalaTest runner + Jenkins. We have JUnit-style XML output going here: test_dir/target/scalatest-reports/ Right now …

jenkins continuous-integration automated-tests qa jenkins-plugins
What is a good ratio of developers to testers?

What ratio of [senior] developers to testers do people think is best? Obviously this will depend partly on development/maintenance …

testing qa user-acceptance-testing
Closing Browser After Failed Test

I am running tests with WebDriver, when a test fails, the browser does not close. On a Windows machine this …

testing selenium webdriver testng qa