Top "Q-learning" questions

Q-learning is a model-free reinforcement learning technique.

What is the difference between Q-learning and SARSA?

Although I know that SARSA is on-policy while Q-learning is off-policy, when looking at their formulas it's hard (to me) …

artificial-intelligence reinforcement-learning q-learning sarsa
How can I apply reinforcement learning to continuous action spaces?

I'm trying to get an agent to learn the mouse movements necessary to best perform some task in a reinforcement …

algorithm machine-learning reinforcement-learning q-learning
Optimal epsilon (ϵ-greedy) value

ϵ-greedy policy I know the Q-learning algorithm should try to balance between exploration and exploitation. Since I'm a beginner in …

machine-learning reinforcement-learning q-learning
What is the difference between Q-learning and Value Iteration?

How is Q-learning different from value iteration in reinforcement learning? I know Q-learning is model-free and training samples are transitions (…

machine-learning artificial-intelligence reinforcement-learning q-learning
Q-learning vs temporal-difference vs model-based reinforcement learning

I'm in a course called "Intelligent Machines" at the university. We were introduced with 3 methods of reinforced learning, and with …

machine-learning reinforcement-learning q-learning temporal-difference
Epsilon and learning rate decay in epsilon greedy q learning

I understand that epsilon marks the trade-off between exploration and exploitation. At the beginning, you want epsilon to be high …

machine-learning reinforcement-learning q-learning
What is the difference between reinforcement learning and deep RL?

What is the difference between deep reinforcement learning and reinforcement learning? I basically know what reinforcement learning is about, but …

machine-learning reinforcement-learning q-learning
DQN - Q-Loss not converging

I'm using the DQN algorithm to train an agent in my environment, that looks like this: Agent is controlling a …

tensorflow deep-learning reinforcement-learning q-learning
Q-learning vs dynamic programming

Is the classic Q-learning algorithm, using lookup table (instead of function approximation), equivalent to dynamic programming?

machine-learning dynamic-programming reinforcement-learning q-learning
Are Q-learning and SARSA with greedy selection equivalent?

The difference between Q-learning and SARSA is that Q-learning compares the current state and the best possible next state, whereas …

reinforcement-learning q-learning sarsa