I'm searching for a simple script to move a camera in Blender 2.61 with Python. I thought this would be an easy task, but the Camera object has no properties like loc or something similar.
I only found scripts online for Blender 2.49 but they don't work anymore because of the immense API changes with Blender 2.5.
I would appreciate any hints.
furtelwart's answer was quite usefull. I did some more digging so you can also set some other very usefull properties regarding the camera and render.
import bpy
tx = 0.0
ty = 0.0
tz = 80.0
rx = 0.0
ry = 0.0
rz = 0.0
fov = 50.0
pi = 3.14159265
scene = bpy.data.scenes["Scene"]
# Set render resolution
scene.render.resolution_x = 480
scene.render.resolution_y = 359
# Set camera fov in degrees
scene.camera.data.angle = fov*(pi/180.0)
# Set camera rotation in euler angles
scene.camera.rotation_mode = 'XYZ'
scene.camera.rotation_euler[0] = rx*(pi/180.0)
scene.camera.rotation_euler[1] = ry*(pi/180.0)
scene.camera.rotation_euler[2] = rz*(pi/180.0)
# Set camera translation
scene.camera.location.x = tx
scene.camera.location.y = ty
scene.camera.location.z = tz
I'm using this script to make batch rendering. You can check it out here: http://code.google.com/p/encuadro/source/browse/renders/marker/model/marker_a4.py
It will be improved later to take command line arguments. I'm new to python and blender so this may be kind of amateur but it works.