I am trying to render and save multiple images through python script in blender. I know how to render and save the image through the Blender GUI but I want to do it all through my script since I am using a set of nested loops and need to save multiple images. I am able to render the image and I guess save the image with the output being successful. But I am not sure where it saves to and when I try to edit the filepath it gives me the error of the context being incorrect.
The code below creates a "VR panorama" (a series of pictures of an object, from different perspectives around it).
I ended up with this algorithm:
object and set its position to the center of the subject and rotation to identity (0, 0, 0
)You shall end up with a number of pictures (defined by rotation_steps
) around your object under /Users/myusername/Pictures/VR
def rotate_and_render(output_dir, output_file_pattern_string = 'render%d.jpg', rotation_steps = 32, rotation_angle = 360.0, subject = bpy.context.object):
import os
original_rotation = subject.rotation_euler
for step in range(0, rotation_steps):
subject.rotation_euler[2] = radians(step * (rotation_angle / rotation_steps))
bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join(output_dir, (output_file_pattern_string % step))
bpy.ops.render.render(write_still = True)
subject.rotation_euler = original_rotation
rotate_and_render('/Users/myusername/Pictures/VR', 'render%d.jpg')
You will have to select the object you want to render. Alternatively, you can use Blender's Python API to find the object in the scene and pass it as a subject
param to the function:
rotate_and_render('/Users/myusername/Pictures/VR', 'render%d.jpg', subject = bpy.data.objects["Cube"])