I split my tests across multiple Python files:
├── __init__.py
├── test_apples.py
└── test_bananas.py.py
I import the tests in the ‘__init__.py’ file:
from test_apples import ApplesTest
from test_bananas import BananasTest
However running Pyflakes on the command-line:
pyflakes .
outputs the following errors:
tests/__init__.py:1: [E] PYFLAKES:'ApplesTest' imported but unused
tests/__init__.py:2: [E] PYFLAKES:'BananasTest' imported but unused
To ignore all errors F401 (‘imported but unused’) in ‘__init__.py’ files, the option ‘per-file-ignores’ which has been available since Flake8 version 3.7.0 (a better Pyflakes) is very convenient. It can be used on the command-line:
flake8 --per-file-ignores="__init__.py:F401" .
or in a configuration file (‘.flake8’, ‘setup.cfg’ or ‘tox.ini’):
per-file-ignores = __init__.py:F401