How does Pytorch Dataloader handle variable size data?

Trung Le picture Trung Le · Mar 7, 2019 · Viewed 9.4k times · Source

I have a dataset that looks like below. That is the first item is the user id followed by the set of items which is clicked by the user.

0   24104   27359   6684
0   24104   27359
1   16742   31529   31485
1   16742   31529
2   6579    19316   13091   7181    6579    19316   13091
2   6579    19316   13091   7181    6579    19316
2   6579    19316   13091   7181    6579    19316   13091   6579
2   6579    19316   13091   7181    6579
4   19577   21608
4   19577   21608
4   19577   21608   18373
5   3541    9529
5   3541    9529
6   6832    19218   14144
6   6832    19218
7   9751    23424   25067   12606   26245   23083   12606

I define a custom dataset to handle my click log data.

import as data
class ClickLogDataset(data.Dataset):
    def __init__(self, data_path):
        self.data_path = data_path
        self.uids = []
        self.streams = []

        with open(self.data_path, 'r') as fdata:
            for row in fdata:
                row = row.strip('\n').split('\t')
                self.streams.append(list(map(int, row[1:])))

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.uids)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        uid, stream = self.uids[idx], self.streams[idx]
        return uid, stream

Then I use a DataLoader to retrieve mini batches from the data for training.

from import DataLoader
clicklog_dataset = ClickLogDataset(data_path)
clicklog_data_loader = DataLoader(dataset=clicklog_dataset, batch_size=16)

for uid_batch, stream_batch in stream_data_loader:

The code above returns differently from what I expected, I want stream_batch to be a 2D tensor of type integer of length 16. However, what I get is a list of 1D tensor of length 16, and the list has only one element, like below. Why is that ?

[tensor([24104, 24104, 16742, 16742,  6579,  6579,  6579,  6579, 19577, 19577,
        19577,  3541,  3541,  6832,  6832,  9751])]


Jatentaki picture Jatentaki · Mar 7, 2019

So how do you handle the fact that your samples are of different length? has a collate_fn parameter which is used to transform a list of samples into a batch. By default it does this to lists. You can write your own collate_fn, which for instance 0-pads the input, truncates it to some predefined length or applies any other operation of your choice.