jupyterlab - change styling - font, font size

yohfdo picture yohfdo · Nov 1, 2017 · Viewed 22.1k times · Source

I recently updated to the most recent version of JupyterLab (0.28.12). I'm on Windows.

I've tried adjusting the variables.css file located in \Lib\site-packages\jupyterlab\themes\@jupyterlab\theme-light-extension of my Miniconda/Anaconda folder. I mainly want to change the font family and size, which I've tried using the variables.css file. However, I can't see any changes.

I went to the extreme point of deleting both theme folders, but still I can change themes without a problem through the Lab interface.

Where are the JupyterLab theme .css files located? Or how can I find them? I've searched for css files and the themes sub folder seems to be the only location for them. I can't seem to find any in my user directory either c:\Users\User\.jupyter where the .css files were for Jupyter Notebook were located.



Vince W. picture Vince W. · Feb 4, 2019

I am running version 0.35.4 right now on Ubuntu and it is possible to edit the fonts in the Settings->Advanced Settings Editor, selected from the top bar menu.

There are a number of options that can be set by changing the json strings in the Raw View. See the picture below:

enter image description here