I am new to Python and I am learning it for scraping purposes I am using BeautifulSoup to collect links (i.e href of 'a' tag). I am trying to collect the links under the "UPCOMING EVENTS" tab of site http://allevents.in/lahore/. I am using Firebug to inspect the element and to get the CSS path but this code returns me nothing. I am looking for the fix and also some suggestions for how I can choose proper CSS selectors to retrieve desired links from any site. I wrote this piece of code:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
url = "http://allevents.in/lahore/"
r = requests.get(url)
data = r.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
for link in soup.select( 'html body div.non-overlay.gray-trans-back div.container div.row div.span8 div#eh-1748056798.events-horizontal div.eh-container.row ul.eh-slider li.h-item div.h-meta div.title a[href]'):
print link.get('href')
# All elements named <div>
# The element with an id attribute of author
# All elements that use a CSS class attribute named notice
soup.select('div span')
# All elements named <span> that are within an element named <div>
soup.select('div > span')
# All elements named <span> that are directly within an element named <div>,
# with no other element in between
# All elements named <input> that have a name attribute with any value
# All elements named <input> that have an attribute named type with value button
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