I have an python unitest. In the setupClass method I so some timeconsuming tasks... The tests itself run very fast. Now i would like to run the same Testcase with multiple sets of parameters. How can I achieve this?
I ve tried differet approaches with nose_parameterized etc. but there i cant use the @parameterized.expand()
import unittest
from nose_parameterized import parameterized
parameters = [('test1', 2 ),('test2', 3)]
class TestParameterizedTestcase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls, param=1):
Do some expensive stuff
cls.param = param
print 'Param in setup class %s'
def test_is_one(self):
A fast test
def test_is_two(self):
Another fast test
self.assertEqual(2, self.param)
def test_is_three(self):
Another fast test
self.assertEqual(3, self.param)
Unfortunately there isn't any way to create parameterized test classes with either unittest
, nose
, or parameterized
has an example showing how you can build your own parameterized test class, here: https://pytest.org/latest/example/parametrize.html#a-quick-port-of-testscenarios
And you can build your own parameterized class generator like this:
class MyTestClassBase(object):
# Inherit from `object` so unittest doesn't think these are tests which
# should be run
def setUpClass(cls):
print "doing expensive setup with", cls.param
def test_one(self):
self.assertEqual(self.param, 1)
params = [('test1', 1), ('test2', 2)]
for name, param in params:
cls_name = "TestMyTestClass_%s" %(name, )
globals()[cls_name] = type(cls_name, (MyTestClassBase, unittest.TestCase), {
"param": param,
Which will generate a new test class for each paramter.