Top "Parameterized-unit-test" questions

Parameterized unit tests is a feature of some unit testing frameworks.

No tests found for given includes Error, when running Parameterized Unit test in Android Studio

I tried run Parameterized Unit Test as below in Android Studio. import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest; import junit.framework.…

android unit-testing android-studio parameterized parameterized-unit-test
How do you generate dynamic (parameterized) unit tests in python?

I have some kind of test data and want to create a unit test for each item. My first idea …

python unit-testing parameterized-unit-test
Create multiple parameter sets in one parameterized class (junit)

Currently I have to create a parameterized test class for every method that I want to test with several different …

java junit parameterized parameterized-unit-test
JUnit test with dynamic number of tests

In our project I have several JUnit tests that e.g. take every file from a directory and run a …

java unit-testing junit parameterized-unit-test
MSTest Equivalent for NUnit's Parameterized Tests?

NUnit supports a feature where you can specify a set of data inputs for a unit test to be run …

c# unit-testing nunit mstest parameterized-unit-test
Writing a re-usable (parametrized) unittest.TestCase method

Possible Duplicate: How to generate dynamic (parametrized) unit tests in python? I'm writing tests using the unittest package, and I …

python unit-testing testcase parameterized-unit-test
jasmine parameterized unit test

Okay as a C# NUnit guy this might be odd. But does jasmine allow parameterized unit test? I am not …

unit-testing jasmine parameterized-unit-test parameterized-tests
Unable to get Default Constructor for class in Unit Test Project

I have created a unit test project. I get an exception specifying Unable to get default constructor for class *****.Tests.…

c# unit-testing parameterized-unit-test
How to pass a list as a JUnit5's parameterized test parameter?

I want to parameterize my JUnit5 tests using three parameters: string, string and list<string>. No luck so …

java kotlin junit5 parameterized-unit-test
Parameterised test in JUnit

I have a program, containing 3 parameterized methods, that receives arguments from the command line. I would like to test them …

java junit parameterized-unit-test