Flask - Pulling the live stream kafka data - Integrating Kafka with Python Flask

Soundarya Thiagarajan picture Soundarya Thiagarajan · Feb 5, 2016 · Viewed 8.3k times · Source

This project is for real time search engine - log analysis performance.

I have a live streaming data out from Spark processing to Kafka.

Now with the Kafka output, I want to get the data from the Kafka using Flask.. and visualize it using Chartjs or some other visualization..

How do I get the live streaming data from Kafka using the python flask?

Any idea how do I start with?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



pech0rin picture pech0rin · Feb 5, 2016

I would check out the Kafka package for python:


This should get you setup to stream data from Kafka. Additionally, I might check out this project: https://github.com/travel-intelligence/flasfka which has to do with using Flask and Kafka together (just found it on a google search).