Is numpy.linalg.inv() giving the correct matrix inverse? EDIT: Why does inv() gives numerical errors?

ShanZhengYang picture ShanZhengYang · Jul 2, 2015 · Viewed 11k times · Source

I have a matrix shaped (4000, 4000) and I would like to take the inverse. (My intuition of the inverting matrices breaks down with such large matrices.)

The beginning matrix has values of the magnitude e-10, with the following values: print matrix gives an output

[[  2.19885119e-10   2.16462810e-10   2.13062782e-10 ...,  -2.16462810e-10
   -2.19885119e-10  -2.16462810e-10]
 [  2.16462810e-10   2.19885119e-10   2.16462810e-10 ...,  -2.13062782e-10
   -2.16462810e-10  -2.19885119e-10]
 [  2.13062782e-10   2.16462810e-10   2.19885119e-10 ...,  -2.16462810e-10
   -2.13062782e-10  -2.16462810e-10]
 [ -2.16462810e-10  -2.13062782e-10  -2.16462810e-10 ...,   2.19885119e-10
    2.16462810e-10   2.13062782e-10]
 [ -2.19885119e-10  -2.16462810e-10  -2.13062782e-10 ...,   2.16462810e-10
    2.19885119e-10   2.16462810e-10]
 [ -2.16462810e-10  -2.19885119e-10  -2.16462810e-10 ...,   2.13062782e-10
    2.16462810e-10   2.19885119e-10]]

I then use NumPy's numpy.linalg.inv() to invert the matrix.

import numpy as np
new_matrix = np.linalg.inv(matrix)
print new_matrix

This is the output I get in return:

[[  1.95176541e+25   9.66643852e+23  -1.22660930e+25 ...,  -1.96621184e+25
   -9.41413909e+24   1.33500310e+25]
 [  2.01500967e+25   1.08946558e+24  -1.25813014e+25 ...,  -2.07717912e+25
   -9.86804459e+24   1.42950556e+25]
 [  3.55575106e+25   2.11333704e+24  -2.25333936e+25 ...,  -3.68616202e+25
   -1.72651875e+25   2.51239524e+25]
 [  3.07255588e+25   1.61759838e+24  -1.95678425e+25 ...,  -3.15440712e+25
   -1.47472306e+25   2.13570651e+25]
 [ -7.24380790e+24  -8.63730581e+23   4.90519245e+24 ...,   8.30663797e+24
    3.70858694e+24  -5.32291734e+24]
 [ -1.95760004e+25  -1.12341031e+24   1.23820305e+25 ...,   2.01608416e+25
    9.40221886e+24  -1.37605863e+25]]

That's a huge difference! How could that be? A matrix of magnitude e-10 is inverted to a matrix of magnitude e+25?

Is this mathematically correct, or are the IEEE floating point values breaking down?

If this is mathematically correct, could someone explain to me the mathematical intuition behind this?


Following the comments below, I decided to test., new_matrix) should give the identity matrix, A * A^T = Identity.

This is my output:

[[  0.   -3.  -16.  ...,  16.    8.   12. ]
 [-24.   -1.5  -8.  ...,  32.   -4.   36. ]
 [ 40.    1.  -64.  ...,  24.   20.   24. ]
 [ 32.   -0.5  48.  ..., -16.  -20.   16. ]
 [ 40.    7.   16.  ..., -48.  -36.  -28. ]
 [ 16.    3.   12.  ..., -80.   16.    0. ]]

Why does numpy.linalg.inv() result in numerical errors?

np.allclose(, new_matrix), np.identity(4000) )

gives False.


rth picture rth · Jul 2, 2015

Your matrix is ill-conditionned, since

np.linalg.cond(matrix) > np.finfo(matrix.dtype).eps

According to this answer you could consider using Singular Value Decomposition to inverse such matrices.