python win32gui finding child windows

nabizan picture nabizan · Jun 1, 2010 · Viewed 13.1k times · Source

for example at first you have to find hwnd of skype

hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(None, 'skype')

and than all his child windows and their titles

child = ???

any idea?


Michał Niklas picture Michał Niklas · Jun 1, 2010

This code shows hwnd of EditPlus child windows that has WindowsText of some length:


You will have to find hwnd of your application, and then use this handle with EnumChildWindows. I extended example code with it. Once you get application hwnd you can enumerate only its windows. When you give 0 as hwnd to EnumChildWindows you will get handles of all runing windows. Add some prints to my code and check it!

Extended code:

import win32gui


def is_win_ok(hwnd, starttext):
    s = win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd)
    if s.startswith(starttext):
            print s
            global MAIN_HWND
            MAIN_HWND = hwnd
            return None
    return 1

def find_main_window(starttxt):
    global MAIN_HWND
    win32gui.EnumChildWindows(0, is_win_ok, starttxt)
    return MAIN_HWND

def winfun(hwnd, lparam):
    s = win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd)
    if len(s) > 3:
        print("winfun, child_hwnd: %d   txt: %s" % (hwnd, s))
    return 1

def main():
    main_app = 'EditPlus'
    hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(None, main_app)
    print hwnd
    if hwnd < 1:
        hwnd = find_main_window(main_app)
    print hwnd
    if hwnd:
        win32gui.EnumChildWindows(hwnd, winfun, None)
