Please link me to answer if this has already been answered, my problem is i want to get diff of multilevel json which is unordered.
import json_tools as jt
import json_delta as jd
print jt.diff(y,z)
print jd.diff(y,z)
print y==z
print x==y
output is
[{'prev': 2, 'value': 4, 'replace': u'/0/y'}, {'prev': 1, 'value': 3, 'replace': u'/0/x'}, {'prev': 4, 'value': 2, 'replace': u'/1/y'}, {'prev': 3, 'value': 1, 'replace': u'/1/x'}]
[[[2], {u'y': 2, u'x': 1}], [[0]]]
my question is how can i get y and z to be equal or if there are actual differences depending on non-order of the JSON.
kind of unordered List of dictionaries but i am looking for something which is level-proof that is list/dict of dictionaries of list/dictionaries ...
Check out this python library jsondiff , that will help you to identify the diff's
import json
import jsondiff
json1 = json.loads(
'{"isDynamic": false, "name": "", "value": "SID:<sid>", "description": "instance","argsOrder": 1,"isMultiSelect": false}')
json2 = json.loads(
'{ "name": "", "value": "SID:<sid>","isDynamic": false, "description": "instance","argsOrder": 1,"isMultiSelect": false}')
res = jsondiff.diff(json1, json2)
if res:
print("Diff found")