How do lexical closures work?

Eli Bendersky picture Eli Bendersky · Oct 24, 2008 · Viewed 34k times · Source

While I was investigating a problem I had with lexical closures in Javascript code, I came along this problem in Python:

flist = []

for i in xrange(3):
    def func(x): return x * i

for f in flist:
    print f(2)

Note that this example mindfully avoids lambda. It prints "4 4 4", which is surprising. I'd expect "0 2 4".

This equivalent Perl code does it right:

my @flist = ();

foreach my $i (0 .. 2)
    push(@flist, sub {$i * $_[0]});

foreach my $f (@flist)
    print $f->(2), "\n";

"0 2 4" is printed.

Can you please explain the difference ?


The problem is not with i being global. This displays the same behavior:

flist = []

def outer():
    for i in xrange(3):
        def inner(x): return x * i

#~ print i   # commented because it causes an error

for f in flist:
    print f(2)

As the commented line shows, i is unknown at that point. Still, it prints "4 4 4".


piro picture piro · Oct 25, 2008

The functions defined in the loop keep accessing the same variable i while its value changes. At the end of the loop, all the functions point to the same variable, which is holding the last value in the loop: the effect is what reported in the example.

In order to evaluate i and use its value, a common pattern is to set it as a parameter default: parameter defaults are evaluated when the def statement is executed, and thus the value of the loop variable is frozen.

The following works as expected:

flist = []

for i in xrange(3):
    def func(x, i=i): # the *value* of i is copied in func() environment
        return x * i

for f in flist:
    print f(2)