Python nonlocal statement

ooboo picture ooboo · Aug 11, 2009 · Viewed 118.8k times · Source

What does the Python nonlocal statement do (in Python 3.0 and later)?

There's no documentation on the official Python website and help("nonlocal") does not work, either.


Anon picture Anon · Aug 11, 2009

Compare this, without using nonlocal:

x = 0
def outer():
    x = 1
    def inner():
        x = 2
        print("inner:", x)

    print("outer:", x)

print("global:", x)

# inner: 2
# outer: 1
# global: 0

To this, using nonlocal, where inner()'s x is now also outer()'s x:

x = 0
def outer():
    x = 1
    def inner():
        nonlocal x
        x = 2
        print("inner:", x)

    print("outer:", x)

print("global:", x)

# inner: 2
# outer: 2
# global: 0

If we were to use global, it would bind x to the properly "global" value:

x = 0
def outer():
    x = 1
    def inner():
        global x
        x = 2
        print("inner:", x)

    print("outer:", x)

print("global:", x)

# inner: 2
# outer: 1
# global: 2