ipynb import another ipynb file

Andrew Harris picture Andrew Harris · Nov 25, 2013 · Viewed 111.9k times · Source

Interactive Python (ipython) is simply amazing, especially as you are piecing things together on the fly... and does it in such a way that it is easy to go back.

However, what seems to be interesting is the use-case of having multiple ipython notebooks (ipynb files). It apparently seems like a notebook is NOT supposed to have a relationship with other notebooks, which makes sense, except that I would love to import other ipynb files.

The only workaround I see is converting my *.ipynb files into *.py files, which then can be imported into my notebook. Having one file hold everything in a project is a bit weird, especially if I want to really push for code-reuse (isn't that a core tenet of python?).

Am I missing something? Is this not a supported use case of ipython notebooks? Is there another solution I can be using for this import of an ipynb file into another notebook? I'd love to continue to use ipynb, but it's really messing up my workflow right now :(


johndodo picture johndodo · Apr 25, 2017

It is really simple in newer Jupyter:

%run MyOtherNotebook.ipynb