I've run into a fairly simple issue that I can't come up with an elegant solution for.
I'm creating a string using str.format
in a function that is passed in a dict
of substitutions to use for the format. I want to create the string and format it with the values if they're passed and leave them blank otherwise.
kwargs = {"name": "mark"}
"My name is {name} and I'm really {adjective}.".format(**kwargs)
should return
"My name is mark and I'm really ."
instead of throwing a KeyError
(Which is what would happen if we don't do anything).
Embarrassingly, I can't even come up with an inelegant solution for this problem. I guess I could solve this by just not using str.format
, but I'd rather use the built-in (which mostly does what I want) if possible.
Note: I don't know in advance what keys will be used. I'm trying to fail gracefully if someone includes a key but doesn't put it in the kwargs dict. If I knew with 100% accuracy what keys would be looked up, I'd just populate all of them and be done with it.
You can follow the recommendation in PEP 3101 and use a subclass Formatter:
import string
class BlankFormatter(string.Formatter):
def __init__(self, default=''):
def get_value(self, key, args, kwds):
if isinstance(key, str):
return kwds.get(key, self.default)
return string.Formatter.get_value(key, args, kwds)
kwargs = {"name": "mark", "adj": "mad"}
print fmt.format("My name is {name} and I'm really {adj}.", **kwargs)
# My name is mark and I'm really mad.
print fmt.format("My name is {name} and I'm really {adjective}.", **kwargs)
# My name is mark and I'm really .
As of Python 3.2, you can use .format_map as an alternative:
class Default(dict):
def __missing__(self, key):
return '{'+key+'}'
kwargs = {"name": "mark"}
print("My name is {name} and I'm really {adjective}.".format_map(Default(kwargs)))
which prints:
My name is mark and I'm really {adjective}.