By default Celery send all tasks to 'celery' queue, but you can change this behavior by adding extra parameter:
def recalc_last_hour():
log.debug('sending new task')
recalc_hour.delay(datetime(2013, 1, 1, 2)) # for example
Scheduler settings:
'installer_recalc_hour': {
'task': 'stats.installer.tasks.recalc_last_hour',
'schedule': 15 # every 15 sec for test
CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULER = "djcelery.schedulers.DatabaseScheduler"
Run worker:
python celery worker -c 1 -Q celery_periodic -B -E
This scheme doesn't work as expected: this workers sends periodic tasks to 'celery' queue, not 'celery_periodic'. How can I fix that?
P.S. celery==3.0.16
Periodic are sent to queues by celerybeat.You can do every thing we do with Celery api. Here is the list of configurations comes with celerybeat.
In your case
'installer_recalc_hour': {
'task': 'stats.installer.tasks.recalc_last_hour',
'schedule': 15 # every 15 sec for test,
'options': {'queue' : 'celery_periodic'} ##options are mapped to apply_async options