`xrange(2**100)` -> OverflowError: long int too large to convert to int

jfs picture jfs · Sep 27, 2009 · Viewed 13.4k times · Source

xrange function doesn't work for large integers:

>>> N = 10**100
>>> xrange(N)
Traceback (most recent call last):
OverflowError: long int too large to convert to int
>>> xrange(N, N+10)
Traceback (most recent call last):
OverflowError: long int too large to convert to int

Python 3.x:

>>> N = 10**100
>>> r = range(N)
>>> r = range(N, N+10)
>>> len(r)

Is there a backport of py3k builtin range() function for Python 2.x?


I'm looking for a complete implementation of "lazy" range(), not just a partial implementation of some of its functionality.


Alex Martelli picture Alex Martelli · Sep 27, 2009

I believe there is no backport (Py 3's completely removed the int/long distinction, after all, but in 2.* it's here to stay;-) but it's not hard to hack your own, e.g....:

import operator

def wowrange(start, stop, step=1):
  if step == 0:
    raise ValueError('step must be != 0')
  elif step < 0:
    proceed = operator.gt
    proceed = operator.lt
  while proceed(start, stop):
    yield start
    start += step

Edit it appears the OP doesn't just want looping (the normal purpose of xrange, and range in Py3), but also len and the in operator (the latter does work on the above generator, but slowly -- optimizations are possible). For such richness a class is better...:

import operator

class wowrange(object):
  def __init__(self, start, stop=None, step=1):
    if step == 0: raise ValueError('step must be != 0')
    if stop is None: start, stop = 0, start
    if step < 0:
      self.proceed = operator.gt
      self.l = (stop-start+step+1)//step
      self.proceed = operator.lt
      self.l = (stop-start+step-1)//step
    self.lo = min(start, stop)
    self.start, self.stop, self.step = start, stop, step
  def __iter__(self):
    start = self.start
    while self.proceed(start, self.stop):
      yield start
      start += self.step
  def __len__(self):
    return self.l
  def __contains__(self, x):
    if x == self.stop:
      return False
    if self.proceed(x, self.start):
      return False
    if self.proceed(self.stop, x):
      return False
    return (x-self.lo) % self.step == 0

I wouldn't be surprised if there's an off-by-one or similar glitch lurking here, but, I hope this helps!

Edit again: I see indexing is ALSO required. Is it just too hard to write your own __getitem__? I guess it is, so here it, too, is, served on a silver plate...:

 def __getitem__(self, i):
   if i < 0:
     i += self.l
     if i < 0: raise IndexError
   elif if i >= self.l:
     raise IndexError
   return self.start + i * self.step

I don't know if 3.0 range supports slicing (xrange in recent 2.* releases doesn't -- it used to, but that was removed because the complication was ridiculous and prone to bugs), but I guess I do have to draw a line in the sand somewhere, so I'm not going to add it;-).