Python 3 turn range to a list

Boathouse picture Boathouse · Jul 14, 2012 · Viewed 310.9k times · Source

I'm trying to make a list with numbers 1-1000 in it. Obviously this would be annoying to write/read, so I'm attempting to make a list with a range in it. In Python 2 it seems that:

some_list = range(1,1000)

would have worked, but in Python 3 the range is similar to the xrange of Python 2?

Can anyone provide some insight into this?


mgilson picture mgilson · Jul 14, 2012

You can just construct a list from the range object:

my_list = list(range(1, 1001))

This is how you do it with generators in python2.x as well. Typically speaking, you probably don't need a list though since you can come by the value of my_list[i] more efficiently (i + 1), and if you just need to iterate over it, you can just fall back on range.

Also note that on python2.x, xrange is still indexable1. This means that range on python3.x also has the same property2

1print xrange(30)[12] works for python2.x

2The analogous statement to 1 in python3.x is print(range(30)[12]) and that works also.