time length of an mp3 file

Silver Dragon picture Silver Dragon · Sep 23, 2008 · Viewed 28.4k times · Source

What is the simplest way to determine the length (in seconds) of a given mp3 file, without using outside libraries? (python source highly appreciated)


Harley Holcombe picture Harley Holcombe · Sep 23, 2008

You can use pymad. It's an external library, but don't fall for the Not Invented Here trap. Any particular reason you don't want any external libraries?

import mad

mf = mad.MadFile("foo.mp3")
track_length_in_milliseconds = mf.total_time()    

Spotted here.


If you really don't want to use an external library, have a look here and check out how he's done it. Warning: it's complicated.