How to convert MP3 to WAV in Python

yydl picture yydl · Jun 16, 2010 · Viewed 57.5k times · Source

If I have an MP3 file how can I convert it to a WAV file? (preferably, using a pure python approach)


Jiaaro picture Jiaaro · Sep 12, 2012

I maintain an open source library, pydub, which can help you out with that.

from pydub import AudioSegment
sound = AudioSegment.from_mp3("/path/to/file.mp3")
sound.export("/output/path/file.wav", format="wav")

One caveat: it uses ffmpeg to handle audio format conversions (except for wav files, which python handles natively).

note: you probably shouldn't do this conversion on GAE :/ even if it did support ffmpeg. EC2 would be a good match for the job though